Cool as a Cucumber

What to do when the dog days of summer are here? From an Ayurvedic perspective, the pitta dosha is elevated during the summer months. Signs that this is the case include: inflammation red, irritated skin or acne being judgmental or overly critical indigestion towards...

5-4-3-2-1 Practice

A great mindfulness practice to tuck in your toolbox is 5-4-3-2-1. This is something you can use when the monkey mind starts spinning or during stressful moments. It is a simple technique that uses your 5 senses to help you connect with the present moment. Wanna know...

Laughter Yoga Practice

This practice is like yoga dessert. sites the benefits of laughter yoga as uplifting your mood, reducing stress, boosting the immune system, reducing fatigue, improved quality of life and managing hardship better. Laughter yoga is considered aerobic...

Touch Practice

A yoga tool is a 1-3 minute practice you can use at home that helps bring you into balance. The yoga tool du jour is touch. You know that children thrive from healthy touch, and that it is a tool to communicate affection to others. But did you know that it is just as...

Humming Practice

The practice I have for you in this post is….humming! That’s right, humming. Did you know that humming increases nitric oxide levels up to 20 percent? Here’s why that’s a BIG deal: nitric oxide improves oxygen circulation in your body by...

Breath Awareness Practice

A practice I am so happy to share with you is a short breathing inquiry. It is a practice you can do anytime, anywhere. Get started by finding a neutral alignment, something that gives you space but doesn’t feel forced. Soften your gaze or close your eyes. Begin...