relinquish blog
Blog posts include small “bites” of yoga therapy techniques (movement, breathing, mindfulness, and more) and definitions of common Sanskrit words. Techniques shared in the blog are simple tools to support your serenity!

Photo by Christin Hume on Unsplash
Salutogenesis Defined
Saluto-what!? Salutogenesis is the study of what contributes to well-being. Salus is the Latin word for health, prosperity, or safety. Genesis is the Greek word for beginning, origin, or creation....
Sthira Defined
The Sanskrit word we're looking at this time is sthira. This is one of 2 qualities the Yogasutra posits as necessary for asana practice. Like yin and yang, they are interdependent. Sthira can be...
Squat with Weights
Adding weights to movement has many benefits for the body and mind. Clearly, it can contribute to upper body strength and a well-rounded practice. Placing "appropriate stress" on the joints with...
Purusharthas Part 2
In part 1 of this series, I introduced you to the 4 aims of human life, or purushartas. Check it out to review dharma, or purpose, and artha, or material means. Today we finish out the series with a...
Purusharthas Part 1
One concept that comes from yoga philosophy is the purusharthas, or 4 aims of human life. Several have termed them the "blueprint for human fulfillment." So what exactly are these aims? How do we...
Live Courageously
I want to share a story with you. It's a story of love and courage. It's a story that I feel so fortunate to be a part of. This summer, we hosted my brother Michael. Michael is a 41-year-old man...