relinquish blog

Blog posts include small “bites” of yoga therapy techniques (movement, breathing, mindfulness, and more) and definitions of common Sanskrit words. Techniques shared in the blog are simple tools to support your serenity!

Blog post being written on a laptop by a woman's hands

Apana Vayu Breathing

A yoga tool that can be helpful during the hubbub of a busy season is a breathing practice called apana vayu breathing. A vayu is a particular movement of energy in the system, and apana vayu as the...

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Do You Know Squat?

Do you know squat? Or as we call it in yoga, malasana? In the west, we don't often squat to eat, pick things up, or use the restroom, and to our detriment. A strong lower body is necessary in most...

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Chikitsa Defined

A common term in Ayurveda (the sister science to yoga), chikitsa, is the transliteration of the Sanskrit word often defined simply as "therapy." Yoga chikitsa applies the tools of yoga...

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Kosha Defined

You may have never heard the word kosha before, but it is the basis for yoga therapy and addressing imbalance. Yoga philosophy posits physical, subtle, and causal aspects of each person that are...

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Restorative Crocodile

A practice that I find super yummy is a variation of what is called crocodile. To practice the restorative version, grab a pillow and find a cozy place to lie down. Lay on your belly, propping your...

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Vayu Defined

Today we're looking at the Sanskrit word vayu. Literally translated, it is wind. In the sense of the 5 prana vayus, they are the "winds," or particular movements of energy, Prana. They are: prana...

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