relinquish blog

Blog posts include small “bites” of yoga therapy techniques (movement, breathing, mindfulness, and more) and definitions of common Sanskrit words. Techniques shared in the blog are simple tools to support your serenity!

Blog post being written on a laptop by a woman's hands

Palming the Eyes

Today I offer you all the wonderful practice of palming the eyes. In yoga philosophy, the eyes are one way we take in prana, or the energy of reception (one of five subsets of Prana, vital life...

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Yogic Marching Practice

Yogic marching is a tool you can take into the doings of life - while waiting in line, getting ready for the day, etc. Start by standing with your weight in both feet, distributed among your heels,...

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Asana Defined

If you have practiced yoga in a classroom setting, or on YouTube, you have no doubt heard the word asana. It is the plural form of the word asan, which literally means seat. Modern yoga translations...

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Cool as a Cucumber

What to do when the dog days of summer are here? From an Ayurvedic perspective, the pitta dosha is elevated during the summer months. Signs that this is the case include: inflammation red, irritated...

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Dosha Defined

Dosha is a Sanskrit word that roughly means your constitution, which Google defines as your physical state with regard to vitality, health, and strength, as well as your mental or psychological...

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5-4-3-2-1 Practice

A great mindfulness practice to tuck in your toolbox is 5-4-3-2-1. This is something you can use when the monkey mind starts spinning or during stressful moments. It is a simple technique that uses...

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