Dosha Defined

Dosha is a Sanskrit word that roughly means your constitution, which Google defines as your physical state with regard to vitality, health, and strength, as well as your mental or psychological makeup. There are 3 dosha outlined in Ayurveda, the traditional science of...

Sadhana Defined

Sadhana was one of the first Sanskrit words I learned, and a perfect word to start off the year. In yogic terms it simply means daily practice. This practice may include movement, breathing, meditation, ritual, etc. Sadhana involves discipline, awareness, and...

Santosha Defined

So far I have introduced to you all the ideas of dinacharya and sangha. Moving into the holiday season, a concept that I have found helpful is santosha. A one word definition is contentment, but as with many translations, this is far from adequate. I learned santosha...

Sangha Defined

The Sanskrit word we’re looking at this time is sangha, pronounced pretty much like it looks, sahn-guh. Sangha can be defined simply as community. The term has in recent years been applied to yoga to describe the importance of our connection to one another. A...

Dinacharya Defined

The first concept I want to introduce to you is dinacharya, pronounced dee-nah-CHAR-ee-yah. Dinacharya is essentially a daily routine, the rhythm of your day. When we have a regular routine of eating, activity, rest, hygeine, and sleep, it promotes balance. It signals...