I want to share a story with you. It’s a story of love and courage. It’s a story that I feel so fortunate to be a part of.
This summer, we hosted my brother Michael. Michael is a 41-year-old man limited by cerebral palsy, autism, and epilepsy. He is not able to walk or talk, among many other things. This summer, I had the opportunity to share my love of yoga (and belief in what it can do for people) with my brother.

Michael is a fast learner. Right away he learned how to do “yoga breathing.” He learned to move his body in ways that feel good to him (no small feat), how to drop into a state of calm and focus…

I think I learned more than he did. I learned that about courage and what it looks like to engage life with less fear, in a way that honors who I am and doesn’t let my limitations define me.

I also learned in a new way that my skill set really works for folks with limitations. Yes, I have knowledge of anatomy, the nervous system, etc, but I am also skilled at being present with people. I show up with all of myself to support them in their process. I provide a calming presence, a sense of humor…I draw out their strengths and celebrate successes with them. I am adaptable and fun!

Michael is both my favorite student and best teacher. This summer, as he gained ease of movement, improved posture, and more, I learned what living courageously really looks like. I move into the future with a renewed sense of purpose and awe. My wish is the same for all of you. I leave you with a photo of Michael and I bringing hands to our hearts. May you, like Michael, embrace life with a courageous heart, regardless of limitations!