Adding weights to movement has many benefits for the body and mind. Clearly, it can contribute to upper body strength and a well-rounded practice. Placing “appropriate stress” on the joints with weights can protect them from injury. It improves circulation, bone density, and metabolism (especially for those of us 40+). Studies show it can improve sleep and lowers the risk of heart attack, stroke, and cardiovascular disease. It may also reduce cognitive decline!

    With these potential beneifts in mind, let’s explore a squat (or chair pose, if you will) with weights. You can click the image above for a video demonstration. Begin in mountain pose, feeling into your feet and the movement of breath. As you exhale, drop your hips down and back. At the same time, bend at the elbows to lift the weights up, arms at 90 degrees. Inhale, return to mountain. Repeat. After 6-8 repetitions, pause and notice how you feel. Connect with the feeling of strength in your body, and then in your heart. Come back to this practice as needed.