A yoga tool that can be helpful during the hubbub of a busy season is a breathing practice called apana vayu breathing. A vayu is a particular movement of energy in the system, and apana vayu as the energy of letting go. Apana moves downward and out, hence it is grounding and rooting – a boon during a busy season.
Try apana vayu breathing for yourself and let me know how you feel afterwards. Start by finding a comfortable seat and centering your weight over your sitting bones. Sit in a way that allows you to feel the movement of your breath, and begin by just noticing the breath moving in and out, inviting ease into the system.
Watch the breath (with your mind’s eye) as it moves into the body, and as it moves out visualize it moving down past your sitting bones and continuing down into the earth. Take a few breaths like this, feeling the shift that comes with directing your awareness toward the earth on the exhale. When it feels right, return to a regular pattern of breathing and notice how you feel before continuing with your day.